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Car won't start?

QuickStart | Vehicle won't start | Car will not start | Car not turning on | Ignition | battery | Van won't start | Car wont start

Eléonore Kuentz avatar
Written by Eléonore Kuentz
Updated over a week ago

Having issues starting your car? Try the below steps to get yourself moving.

Step 1 - Press unlock on the app (again)

Press unlock in the app then wait for the RFID reader (the little box on the windscreen) to go green will reset the timer - Try start the car now. If this doesn't work, move onto the next steps below.

You have 5 minutes to start the car or it will go back into "Safe mode" - This just means the car wont start without pressing unlock.

Top tip - If the car has a key, take the key out of the ignition first before pressing unlock.

Step 2 - Make sure all the doors are firmly closed

Due to newer Safety Regulations all cars now need to have doors closed before the ignition will start - So give them a quick slam, even the boot.

Step 3 - Press the Brake & Clutch (If the car has one)

Automatic cars will not start unless you have your foot firmly on the brake

Manual cars will not start unless you have your foot firmly on the brake and the clutch fully pressed down.

Step 4 - Check the steering lock is off

Give the steering wheel a quick wiggle, if it moves then your are all good - If it is firmly clicked in place, give it a hard turn and the lock will click off.

Step 5 - Turn the car on again

Not all cars were created equal - Check the starting instructions in the app and try the ignition.

Top Tip - With hybrid & electric vehicles its hard to tell whether a car is on - One simple test, try put the car into Drive. If the gear stick moves the car into "D" then the car is on

Step 6 - Contact us

If you have tried all of the above steps in order then there could be an issue with the car. It's probably something we can fix over the live chat so drop us a message and we will get you on your way :)

To speak to us via chat on iOS or Android just head over to your account & click help

To speak to us via chat on Web just hit the live chat button in the bottom right of your screen.. it looks like this 👉

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